2003.09.18 10:42 "[Tiff] Stripsize when writing as scanlines (and huge image flipping).", by Väinö Järvelä

2003.09.18 10:42 "[Tiff] Stripsize when writing as scanlines (and huge image flipping).", by Väinö Järvelä


How does libtiff write images with no TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP set and written using TIFFWriteScanline? I wanted to have random access to these files for flipping rows (first row to last etc.) so i tried using 1 row/strip but it was _really_ slow and the file sizes were big.

Do you have any ideas how i could implement this?

(The images are too big to be read in the memory at once so i am reading them scanline at a time as it seemed appropriate because i'm also doing some modifications on the scanlines.)

I thought about reading scanline at a time and writing out as strips (writing as stripes smaller than the picture should work with random-access, right?).

Best regards,

V�in� J�rvel�