2006.10.25 08:48 "[Tiff] Newbie Question on Memory Usage within LibTiff", by Amarnath S

2006.10.25 16:00 "Re: [Tiff] Newbie Question on Memory Usage within LibTiff", by Bob Friesenhahn

    I am a newcomer to LibTiff, and to TIFF in general; this question
relates to memory usage in the TIFF library. I have a simple C program to
create a TIFF file (modified slightly from its original, available on
www.stillhq.com). I ran it on Visual C++ 6.0. At the line marked AAAA in the
code, the memory usage was 1404 K, whereas at BBBB, it was 1516 K (as
monitored on the Windows Task Manager); this means that there is a memory
leak somewhere. I am using Windows XP SP2. The entire C program is given

Note that the term "leak" implies that if the same code path is executed again, additional memory (and probably of similar proportion) will be consumed. It is not uncommon for libraries to create "static" allocations which are allocated only once in the lifetime of the program. This also includes system libraries. These would appear as "leaks" using your method, but are not actual leaks. A better way to prove leaks is to execute the same path 1000 times and see if the memory use continues to grow.

The Windows memory allocator is weird in that it reclaims deallocated memory on an as-needed or as-convenient basis for use by other programs. This differs from the traditional Unix approach where any memory allocated is retained for later use by the program. However, many modern Unix systems use a malloc()/free() implementation which does return large allocations to the system by using using memory mapping to perform the allocation.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/