2006.01.04 14:30 "[Tiff] tiffcp photometric issue", by Larry Sanders

2006.01.04 14:30 "[Tiff] tiffcp photometric issue", by Larry Sanders

Hello all,

I'm using tiffcp to convert from lzw to g4. My original tiff is a multipage, black text on white background (MINISBLACK?). The created tiff using 'tiffcp -c g4 orig.tif new.tif' is white text on black background when viewed using 'Windows Picture and Fax Viewer'. It is not inverted when viewing with 'Microsoft Office Document Imaging'. Searching of this list produced a few posts about the the photometric setting which sounds like the problem.

My thought was that 'Windows Picture and Fax Viewer' is ignoring the Photometric tag. However that doesn't make complete sense because I can use tiffset to change the photometric on _only_ the source document. Specifically I can use 'tiffset -s 262 <0|1> orig.tif' to toggle back and forth. However, that has no effect on the tiff created by tiffcp. tiffdump verifies that the Photometric tag is getting set properly. This is a problem because it's also inverted in the 'windows previewer' (at least on the windows box I have here).

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I did look at the code, and didn't see any ideas there (other than the idea of just inverting on the data copy... which seems like a bad idea)

