1999.07.19 12:53 "White point in CIELab TIFF files", by Martin Bailey

1999.07.19 14:12 "RE: White point in CIELab TIFF files", by Martí Maria

The TIFF 6 spec is more than a little vague about what white point should be used for L*a*b* images, and there's no specified tag to put that data into the file.

There is a tag to store White point, the tag is:

        Tag = 318 (13Eh)
        Type = RATIONAL
        N = 2

The chromacity of the white point of the image. This is the chromacity when each of the primaries has its ReferenceWhite value. The value is described using the 1931 CIE xy chromacity diagram and only the chromacity is specified.

TIFF 6.0 specification has a "Section23: CIE L*a*b* images" where it says that "White point: does not apply" but I have seen several TIFF whith photometric = CIELAB and white point specified as D50 in this tag.

Hope this helps

Marti Maria