2017.11.30 15:44 "Re: [Tiff] Switching to gitlab ?", by

2017.11.30 13:22 "Re: [Tiff] Switching to gitlab ?", by Olivier Paquet

2017-11-30 5:31 GMT-05:00 Roger Leigh <rleigh@codelibre.net>:

For gitlab, while it's possible to use in the same style as CVS (direct push to the master branch), it's also possible to prevent direct pushes and require all changes to go via a merge request. The workflow is entirely up to what you prefer. The merge request workflow has the benefit of running continuous integration builds and tests, so you can validate the change before merging it into master. It's also

Do we have that setup? I see a merge request from you on that topic. I have zero familiarity with that system but it looks like it sets up automatic build on merge requests. Is that about it? If I'm reading the script correctly, it also runs the tests through the autoconf build, right?

Another benefit of going through merge resquests is that it's a good spot for code review and comments. It's always a good thing have two sets of eyeballs go over the code before it gets permanently integrated. Although given how little time we sometimes have to put on the project, I'm not sure we can manage to always do them in a reasonable time frame.

Unless someone objects, I would like to change the README to mention the new gitlab home, given that both gitlab and github show that file as a home page for a project. It would be a start in getting it to at least show up in a web search for libtiff.
