2006.01.09 14:12 "[Tiff] The -rpath Problem: Please add ${LIBDIR} to ${LINK}", by Norihiko Murase

2006.01.09 17:33 "Re: [Tiff] The -rpath Problem: Please add ${LIBDIR} to ${LINK}", by Bob Friesenhahn

I found one kind of problem in LibTIFF-3.8.0. Even if I executed the configure script with the option "--enable-rpath", the -R<dir> options are NOT added in the steps of "link"!!

Currently LIBDIR is added to LDFLAGS for linking the libtiff library. These flags should then be automatically applied by libtool when linking dependent programs. So I don't think that the current behavior is wrong.

I should add that libtool (as delivered with libtiff) should be doing the heavy lifting. If it is not passing through the -R options while linking dependent programs with libtiff, then the incorporated libtool has a bug, and should be updated to one without the bug for the next release. So there may in fact be a bug, but it is not due to configure.ac or the Makefile.am files.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/