2000.10.25 21:06 "tiff conversion", by Traore Djeneba

2000.10.26 15:08 "Ghostscript Interpreter", by Richard E Nairn

For the latest version of Aladdin Ghostscript (6.01) go to http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/aladdin/get601.html, or it is hosted on sourceforge. (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscript/)

They have both a unix an a windows version. If you are programming I believe there is also a library available.

Richard Nairn
Nairn Consulting
** Email ren@spans.gscc.nrcan.gc.ca   **
**       nairnr@cadvision.com         **
**       nconsulting@cadvision.com    **