2002.09.19 07:33 "Correct way of creating CMY TIFF file ?", by Graeme Gill

2002.09.19 07:33 "Correct way of creating CMY TIFF file ?", by Graeme Gill

Is there a way of creating a "standard" CMY TIFF file?

For a CMYK file, setting TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC to PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED and TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL to 4 seems to work OK, but trying TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC to PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED and TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL to 3 creates a file that (for instance), photoshop doesn't recognize.

Given TIFF has a PHOTOMETRIC_RGB, _YCBCR, _CIELAB tags, why doesn't TIFF have _CMY, _CMYK etc. tags?

Graeme Gill.