2003.05.06 14:54 "Decode Message : Help/", by Harring Figueiredo

2003.05.06 15:29 "RE: Decode Message : Help ( SOLVED)", by Harring Figueiredo


Thanks for the reply.

I was looking at the image data itself using khexedit, and the original Strip image begin with 00 00...

When I was looking at mine, it was begining with II* (wich is the TIFF signature), so from that point, I knew I had an offset screwed up. Sure enough, I was not updating/setting the StripOffset Tag value when I was reading it from the original file; therefore, the offset value was 0 (zero) when I was copying the strips (begining at zero offset) I was actually getting the entire heather with it.-- What a nice bug.

Thanks for the reply.