2006.05.23 16:01 "[Tiff] Problems with image tiff Compression CCITT 1D in Windows NT", by Jeronimo Torres

2006.07.18 01:56 "Re: [Tiff] About the tag stripbytecount and stripoffset.", by Chris Cox

All this means is that Wang/Kodak (and by that I assume you mean the horrible Windows Imaging tools) has recompressed the file and written it out in multiple strips, where you originally had it as a single strip.

Now, what¹s the problem?

This file should still be readable (even if some from Wang tools are not). Why are you trying to change the stripbytecounts and stripoffsets again?


On 7/17/06 6:29 PM, "<hotmail>xiaotiger666" <xiaotiger666@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi all:

    After My customer eidt tiff with Wang/Kodak ,The edited tiff 's tag stripbyecount and stripoffset is chaged.

    My question is How can chage the tag stripbyecoutn and stripoffset again with libtiff???

Wang/Kodak tiff:

SubFileType (1 Long): Zero

ImageWidth (1 Short): 1728

ImageLength (1 Short): 2329

BitsPerSample (1 Short): 1

Compression (1 Short): Group 3 Fax (aka CCITT FAX3)

Photometric (1 Short): MinIsWhite

FillOrder (1 Short): Lsb2Msb

StripOffsets (16 Long): 492, 4247, 9366, 15933, 23021, 29447, 36562,...

Orientation (1 Short): TopLeft SamplesPerPixel (1 Short): 1

RowsPerStrip (1 Short): 146

StripByteCounts (16 Long): 3755, 5119, 6567, 7088, 6426, 7115, 6581,...

XResolution (1 Rational): 204

YResolution (1 Rational): 196

Group3Options (1 Long): 4

ResolutionUnit (1 Short): Inch Software (25 ASCII): Oi/GFS, writer v00.06.02

32934 (0 Long):

Pay attention to: stripOffsets and stripbytecount.


Before My customer edited the tiff with Wang/Kodak.

SubFileType (1 Long): Page
ImageWidth (1 Short): 1728

ImageLength (1 Short): 2320

BitsPerSample (1 Short): 1

Compression (1 Short): Group 3 Fax (aka CCITT FAX3)

Photometric (1 Short): MinIsWhite

FillOrder (1 Short): Lsb2Msb

StripOffsets (1 Long): 8

Orientation (1 Short): TopLeft SamplesPerPixel (1 Short): 1

RowsPerStrip (1 Short): 2320
StripByteCounts (1 Long): 72985

Software (11 ASCII): ReeDa_Tiff
DateTime (20 ASCII): 2005:01:01 10:00:00

BadFaxLines (1 Long): 0
CleanFaxData (1 Short): 0

> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ////

The tag stripbytecount is changed from 72985 to 16 Long): 3755, 5119, 6567, 7088, 6426, 7115, 6581,... and the tag stripoffsets is changed from 2320 to (16 Long): 3755, 5119, 6567, 7088, 6426, 7115, 6581,...