2010.02.11 21:56 "[Tiff] TIFF and IJG JPEG 8", by Bob Friesenhahn

2010.03.19 18:18 "Re: [Tiff] TIFFVStripSize overflow, JPEG decoding", by Adam Goode

On 03/19/2010 12:39 PM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

Hmm, this seems a little odd. I would expect libtiff 4 to not have any machine-specific sizes, but to instead use the same size types on all architectures. It makes reading this kind of file problematic across systems.

If libtiff is not allowed to take advantage of a 64-bit address space (when available), then it would be rather crippled. Someday hardly anyone will be using 32-bit applications under general purpose operating systems. They will be using 64-bits instead.

Oh yes, it should definitely be using 64-bits on 64-bit architectures. But it should also use 64-bits on 32-bit architectures.

Except for address space considerations (malloc, mmap, etc), the 32-bit libtiff should be able to read anything the 64-bit libtiff can. Right now it doesn't let me read the tags out of a (crazy) TIFF file on a 32-bit system that it does on a 64-bit system. I never want to read a strip, just the tags. A strip read would totally fail on 32-bit (because of address space) and almost certainly on 64-bit (because of actual memory).
