2008.09.23 16:24 "[Tiff] New to list, with a query on TIFFTAG_GDAL_METADATA", by David J Taylor

2008.10.23 10:56 "Re: [Tiff] JPEGSetupEncode messages", by Gerben Vos

Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:

JPEGSetupEncode: RowsPerStrip must be multiple of 8 for JPEG

Add the "-r 8" option to tiffcp. Or 16, or 24, or...

JPEGSetupEncode: BitsPerSample 16 not allowed for JPEG

Reduce it to 8 bits (or compile a 12 bits version of libjpeg and link it to libtiff, then reduce your image to 12 bits and rest assured in the knowledge that almost no-one will be able to decode it).

Libtiff doesn't contain helper programs for that. With the almost universally available netpbm package, you can reduce to 8 bits with something along the lines of "tifftopnm image.tiff |pamdepth 255 |pnmtotiff -color -truecolor >tmp.tiff; tiffcp -c jpeg tmp.tiff output.tiff". (Funny that pnmtotiff doesn't have a JPEG option, by the way.) There are many other imaging packages that can do this for you from the command line, such as imagemagick, graphicsmagick and vips.

Gerben Vos.