2011.01.10 16:18 "[Tiff] Missing mkstemp() on Visual Studio 2008", by Jeff McKenna

2011.01.10 16:59 "Re: [Tiff] Missing mkstemp() on Visual Studio 2008", by Edward Lam

On 1/10/2011 11:18 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

I am trying to compile libtiff CVS HEAD on Windows using Visual Studio 2008, but receiving errors of "unresolved external symbol _mkstemp". I can't seem to find that function in MSVC or the SDK. I believe mkstemp is a POSIX function....but how do I compile this version of libtiff using Visual Studio? Any ideas?

For that particular case, I think we should just use tmpfile() which exists on Unix and Windows. The fact that we hardcode "/tmp" in the path is probably also a bad idea on Windows.
