2017.04.28 20:38 "[Tiff] Interesting change/problem in LibTiff 4.0.7 with unsupported compressions", by

2017.04.28 20:38 "[Tiff] Interesting change/problem in LibTiff 4.0.7 with unsupported compressions", by

I found a decent change in the behavior of Libtiff - after I updated from

the 3.5.6/3.5.7 era to the most recent (yes 15 year jump!!)

Specifically this piece of code - basically ends up tripping an error if the
compression is not compiled/activated in the code. So you can't even
peruse/move through a file without tripping an error.


               * An opportunity for compression mode dependent tag fixup



Our engine specifically watches for errors and assumes it's pretty fatal -
when really it's kinda benign - UNLESS I want to extract the image data
itself, right??

Surely that should be pretty benign to just enumerate through a TIFF - even
if you don't support the compression of each page??
