2017.05.02 15:55 "[Tiff] Possible patch/update to allow for a black/white image that has SAMPLEFORMAT tag set", by Michael Shiels

We have run into a number of these and found changing this code in tif_dirread.c but in the older 3.5.6/3.5.7 era code. I don't seem to have saved a copy of one of those images for comparison/testing purposes. But basically the setfield would fail on _SAMPLEFORMAT for a 1bpp image. So we attempt to copy the tag data but do not consider it an error - possibly not best solution, but we needed something quick in our case.

                              case TIFFTAG_DATATYPE:

                              case TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT:

(!TIFFFetchPerSampleShorts(tif, dp, &iv) ||

dp->tdir_tag, iv))

                                                            goto bad;


To this

                              case TIFFTAG_DATATYPE:

(!TIFFFetchPerSampleShorts(tif, dp, &iv) ||

dp->tdir_tag, iv))

                                                            goto bad;


                              case TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT:

(TIFFFetchPerSampleShorts(tif, dp, &iv))

dp->tdir_tag, iv);


Would resolve the issue