2004.02.09 17:02 "[Tiff] Photoshop 8.0 and libtiff", by Don Ellis

2004.02.09 20:25 "RE: [Tiff] Photoshop 8.0 and libtiff", by Don Ellis

Both td_imagewidth and td_imagelength are unsigned 32 bit integers and in the specifications they are also defined this way. So a Tiff image conceivably could be a total of 18 x10 to the 18th pixels. Multiply this by 4 to get four colors and the file size could be huge. Strips, tiles, and most of the other limiting variables are just used to speed things up. For very large files you may have to forgo the use of strips or do some modifications, such as limit a strip to the size of available memory, and modify some pointers to uint64. I see nothing in the code that prevents huge images.

Should I continue to copy tiff@remotesensing.org?

Any thoughts?