2004.02.19 17:06 "[Tiff] How to write tile ?", by Dlpnet

2004.02.19 17:06 "[Tiff] How to write tile ?", by Dlpnet


I would like to write a TIFF image tile by tile (because I m processing the image tile by tile in order to save memory) so reading the TIFF specs, I found the TIFFWriteTile function. I tried to use it but with no success, does anyone have an example on how to use it? Do I need to create the file before? (I mean the complete file size)

In pseudo code I would like to do that:

WriteTile(myImageTile, x, y)
myTiffFile = openTiff("w"); // for the first Tile, the others are opened with "a" ?

TIFFWriteTile(myTiffFile, myImageTile, x, y, 0, 0);


any help or ideas or URL??

Many thanks,
