2005.03.22 21:12 "[Tiff] wrong orientation using TIFFReadRGBAStrip", by Massimiliano Mazzeschi

2005.03.22 21:12 "[Tiff] wrong orientation using TIFFReadRGBAStrip", by Massimiliano Mazzeschi


I'm trying to use TIFFReadRGBAStrip to read tif images, but I've got images with the wrong orientation.

my call stack is:

The function setorientation (tif_getimage.c) is called to understand which kind of flip needs to obtain a ''standard'' BOTLEFT image from any oriented image. My image is RIGHTTOP, and the function returns FLIP_HORIZONTALLY | FLIP_VERTICALLY, but is wrong! I suppose it should rotate and flip to do the right thing.

Could anyone help me?

many thanks