2017.03.18 22:08 "[Tiff] Embed lookup table in a floating point tif", by Mikhail

2017.03.18 22:08 "[Tiff] Embed lookup table in a floating point tif", by Mikhail


I'm wondering if there is a way to embed a lookup table in a floating point (SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) tif file? It would seem that the required lookup table size for a 32bit value is 2^32, which is gigantic! The way I expect this to work is to apply the lookup between the values set by MinSampleValue\MaxSampleValue or SMinSampleValue\SMaxSampleValue

A week ago I asked this question on SO (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42777811/embed-lookup-table-in-a-floating-point-tif) but it hasn't received much of a response. Maybe somebody on this mailing list would know?