2005.03.07 23:38 "[Tiff] G4 1D/2D Decompression - Can't understand the Code :-(", by Cromwell Hooper

2005.03.07 23:38 "[Tiff] G4 1D/2D Decompression - Can't understand the Code :-(", by Cromwell Hooper

Dear Michael,

i've just read your [Tiff] Using TIFFGetField to get a "Rational" <http://xserve.flids.com/pipermail/tiff/2004-November/000824.html> contribution to the "Tiff" mailing list, for which i didn't notice a reply. We are in a similair situation to the one you were in then, and are trying to incorporate some legacy proprietry decompression into a TIFF reader/converter.

We're fumbling around at the moment, attempting to incorporate this code into the codecs required of the tifflib compression modules, and are looking for examples to help us (i've been mainly a VB coder of late and am gradually recalling the old C skills but VC++ takes some getting used to :). Did you find any examples or work your way around this problem? I would greatly appreciate any advice and/or assistance you could give.

Faithfully yours,
