2015.01.07 19:21 "Re: [Tiff] tools to validate a TIFF?", by Scott Ribe

2015.01.07 19:21 "Re: [Tiff] tools to validate a TIFF?", by Scott Ribe

First 8 bytes of the strip, from hexdump:

26 a0 78 28 20 3e 03 ec

> On Jan 7, 2015, at 10:14 AM, Scott Ribe <scott_ribe@killerbytes.com> wrote:


> It occurred to me to use tiffutil to force reading of image info and see if I would get an error. So re-compressing to lzw, on the image that displays correctly gives no errors, on the image which does not it gives:

> tiffutil[2839] <Info>: ImageIO: Fax4Decode Bad code word at line 1 of strip 0 (x 0)
> tiffutil[2839] <Notice>:
> tiffutil[2839] <Info>: ImageIO: Fax4Decode Bad code word at line 24 of strip 0 (x 8989)
> tiffutil[2839] <Notice>:

> 1 image written to /Volumes/SHR/Users/sribe/Desktop/Projects/fScanX/projects/build/Debug/test2.tif.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice