2003.09.18 09:53 "[Tiff] color changes only with Windows Imaging (again)", by Takuya Sato

2003.09.18 09:53 "[Tiff] color changes only with Windows Imaging (again)", by Takuya Sato


I posted the same problem before and some pointed that was Windows Imaging problem, but I still wonder if there is another reason.

  1. I develop a tiffcp (tiff-v3.5.5, 3.6-beta2) based tool which adds some tags.
  2. The result image color chenged when I open it with Imaging tool.
  3. A copy image which made with original tiffcp looks fine, so the problem is in my program.

Here are tiffinfo's header:

[A] tiffinfo funny_color_before.tif <----- original image: OK
TIFF Directory at offset 0xc008
   Image Width: 128 Image Length: 128
   Resolution: 72, 72
   Bits/Sample: 8
   Compression Scheme: None
   Photometric Interpretation: RGB color
   Software: "IrfanView"
   Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
   Samples/Pixel: 3
   Rows/Strip: 21
   Planar Configuration: single image plane

[B] tiffinfo funny_color.tif <----- converted image with my
program: Not OK
TIFF Directory at offset 0xc008
   Image Width: 128 Image Length: 128
   Resolution: 72, 72
   Bits/Sample: 8
   Compression Scheme: None
   Photometric Interpretation: RGB color
   FillOrder: lsb-to-msb
   Date & Time: "2003:09:18 15:49:07"
   Document Name: "SAMPLE IMAGE\n"
   Make: "UAP, Inc."
   Samples/Pixel: 3
   Rows/Strip: 21
   Planar Configuration: single image plane

[C] tiffinfo funny_color_tiffcp.tif <----- simply copied image with tiffcp: OK
TIFF Directory at offset 0xc008
   Image Width: 128 Image Length: 128
   Resolution: 72, 72
   Bits/Sample: 8
   Compression Scheme: None
   Photometric Interpretation: RGB color
   Software: "IrfanView"
   Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
   Samples/Pixel: 3
   Rows/Strip: 21
   Planar Configuration: single image plane

Here are sample images:

[A] original image: http://www012.upp.so-net.ne.jp/ontheroad/funny_color_before.tif
[B] result image: http://www012.upp.so-net.ne.jp/ontheroad/funny_color.tif
[C] tiffcp image: http://www012.upp.so-net.ne.jp/ontheroad/funny_color_tiffcp.tif

I want to know:

  1. Tiff header info is correct? I dropped Orientation tag, for example.
  2. Is is possible to check / analyze binary color (data part) info? I'm not sure where to start from.
  3. I didn't change pickCopyFunc in my tiffcp-based program from tiffcp, but data part is not same with tiffcp'ed image. I think the pickCopyFunc args (bitspersample and samplesperpixelof) are same. Why?


     T a k u y a    S A T O
