2009.09.24 16:38 "[Tiff] TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC vs my life...", by Chris Losinger

2009.09.24 16:57 "Re: [Tiff] TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC vs my life...", by Chris Losinger

          and by OkToChangeTag, i meant _TIFFFindFieldInfo.
          sorry. :)

          problem remains the same, however.

I can kindof see a way to do it - starting by teaching the 'wrong data type' check in TIFFReadDirectory to allow the exception; but then OkToChangeTag tells TIFFVSetField to use the built-in type for that tag (TIFF_LONG instead of TIFF_UNDEFINIED), and that means all the mallocs and memcpys which follow are too large by a factor of 4.

Without teaching OkToChangeTag about the exception, and then finding the next snag, which could take forever, I was hoping to see that someone else had found a solid solution to the problem and would be willing to share...

 Chris Losinger
 smallest@smalleranimals.com http://www.smalleranimals.com