2008.08.29 22:53 "[Tiff] Some security fixes from RHEL", by Even Rouault

2008.09.03 19:04 "Re: [Tiff] Some security fixes from RHEL", by Bob Friesenhahn

If we can make Debian (and Gentoo, Fedora, FreeBSD) happy by reshuffling a few lines of code, then we should do so.

I agree. Lets work this out and fix it in 3.9. Can you open a ticket summarizing what you believe to be the ABI issues?

Done. See bug 1940.

Unfortunately, it seems that changing the size of the _TIFFRGBAImage is a no-no (from an ABI standpoint) since there are several user-visible APIs which depend on its size and layout. Since this is a 3.9.X release, that was likely considered to be ok but apparently libtiff has tried to avoid such practices for past releases.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/