2020.08.16 02:02 "[Tiff] Problems with Photoshop when a file is written is strips", by David C. Partridge

2020.08.16 15:54 "Re: [Tiff] Problems with Photoshop when a file is written is strips", by Bob Friesenhahn

> What does libtiff's tiffinfo have to say about the new TIFF where things went "pear shaped"?

> I am not sure what PREDICTIVE compression might mean.

Predictive compression - I'm referring to this:


Libtiff does support such files, although the using software would still need to know how to deal with half float data.


Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
Public Key, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/public-key.txt