2011.12.21 14:52 "[Tiff] Proposed patch for ppm2tiff", by Jürgen_Buchmüller

2011.12.21 14:52 "[Tiff] Proposed patch for ppm2tiff", by Jürgen_Buchmüller

The attached patch extends the ppm2tiff tool with an option

 -m mode open the output.tif with 'mode', e.g. a for append

This makes it easy to put multiple PNM images, or e.g djpeg outputs, into a single TIFF like:

        djpeg 1.jpg | ppm2tiff -m a -c jpeg:90 output.tif
        djpeg 2.jpg | ppm2tiff -m a -c jpeg:90 output.tif
        djpeg 9.jpg | ppm2tiff -m a -c jpeg:90 output.tif

Right now you have to create single TIFFs and later use tiffcp to join them into a multi-image TIFF.

The patch is against 3.9.1 while I don't think it should fail on newer releases, unless ppm2tiff.c changed too much.


Jürgen Buchmüller <pullmoll@t-online.de>

--- tiff_3_9_1.old/tools/ppm2tiff.c     2006-04-20 14:36:23.000000000 +0200

+++ tiff_3_9_1/tools/ppm2tiff.c 2011-12-21 15:10:57.592872206 +0100
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
        uint32 rowsperstrip = (uint32) -1;
        double resolution = -1;
        unsigned char *buf = NULL;
+ char tiff_mode[32] = "w";
        tsize_t linebytes = 0;
        uint16 spp = 1;
        uint16 bpp = 8;
@@ -90,12 +91,16 @@
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: Too few arguments\n", argv[0]);

-       while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:r:R:")) != -1)
+       while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:m:r:R:")) != -1)

                switch (c) {
                case 'c': /* compression scheme */
                        if (!processCompressOptions(optarg))

+               case 'm':
+                   strncpy(tiff_mode, optarg, sizeof(tiff_mode) - 1);
+                       tiff_mode[sizeof(tiff_mode) - 1] = '\0';
+                       break;
                case 'r':               /* rows/strip */

                        rowsperstrip = atoi(optarg);
@@ -190,7 +195,7 @@

-       out = TIFFOpen(argv[optind], "w");
+       out = TIFFOpen(argv[optind], tiff_mode);

        if (out == NULL)
                return (-4);
        TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, (uint32) w);
@@ -319,6 +324,7 @@
 char* stuff[] = {
 "usage: ppm2tiff [options] input.ppm output.tif",
 "where options are:",
+" -m mode open the output.tif with 'mode', e.g. a for append",

 " -r #         make each strip have no more than # rows",
 " -R #         set x&y resolution (dpi)",
