2019.09.28 16:54 "[Tiff] Switch from bugzilla to gitlab issues ?", by Even Rouault

2019.09.29 14:32 "Re: [Tiff] Switch from bugzilla to gitlab issues ?", by Even Rouault


ok, actually I gave it another try at migrating issues. So I started from https://gitlab.gnome.org/federico/bugzilla-to-gitlab-migrator and hacked it heavily to use an XML dump of bugzilla converted to JSon...

The result of the import is in https://gitlab.com/rouault/test-libtiff-issues/issues


Not done:

Once migration is complete I would mass-close the bugzilla tickets with a general comment to go to gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/issues (no individual link to the precise gitlab issue, but finding the gitlab issue from the bugzilla id should be easy for people really in need for that)



(There's a move API of tickets from a gitlab repo to another one. That works: I've tried it on the very first opened tickets, hence they are not in the above test repo if you looked carefully. But I noticed it was confused by #XXX values in stacktraces and created false links to issues during the move. So running the script from scratch is better)

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