2015.01.01 20:24 "Re: [Tiff] Fast TIFF Reading on Windows", by Aaron Boxer

2015.01.05 14:03 "Re: [Tiff] Fast TIFF Reading on Windows", by Edward Lam

On 04/01/2015 10:36 PM, Aaron Boxer wrote:

My very informal benchmark (windows 7, SSD, RamMAP tool to clear OS file cache before each run):

  1. twiddling windows flags made no difference to speed
  2. TIFFOpenfile with mode "ru" i.e. disabling memory mapping, was 3 times

slower than with default flag "r"

So, my conclusion is that memory mapping is the way to go for performance.

I assume you mean "rm"? I don't think "u" has any meaning.
