2005.04.26 15:07 "[Tiff] Floating points to TIFF", by Bastien Guende

2005.04.27 07:20 "Re: [Tiff] Floating points to TIFF", by Bastien Guende


Thank you very much Joris, i was turning in a round, and as i thought, it was just a bug: i have forgotten *4...

So it is

     TIFFWriteRawStrip(filout, i, raster2, width*4);

instead of

     TIFFWriteRawStrip(filout, i, raster2, width);

And Andrey, i should use this software, but this utility is a subject of studies for myself so i have to code it ^_^ (it is a part of a soft to convert generated DEM to Geotiff)

But thank you too.

Bests regards,