1993.12.20 11:15 "Problem with libtiff version 3.2 beta and Sun cc compiler", by Paolo Cavellini

1993.12.20 11:15 "Problem with libtiff version 3.2 beta and Sun cc compiler", by Paolo Cavellini

I'm using LIBTIFF, Version 3.2 BETA on a Sun Sparc Workstation running SunOS 4.1.3

Compiling the library using the Sun cc compiler I had some problems with setting TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION and TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, while using the GNU compiler everything works.

The problem is in TIFFWriteRational(). Look at this simple program (similar to TIFFWriteRational()):


        float x;

        float *x;

If you compile it using the Sun cc compiler the output will be:

while if you compile it using the GNU compiler the output is:

Is this a known bug of the Sun cc compiler?

Paolo Cavellini :-) (paul@most.it)