2017.01.05 19:30 "[Tiff] photometric value different when get from TIFF tag or from a TIFFRGBAImage", by Vincent Torri

2017.01.05 19:55 "Re: [Tiff] photometric value different when get from TIFF tag or from a TIFFRGBAImage", by Olivier Paquet

2017-01-05 14:30 GMT-05:00 Vincent Torri <vincent.torri@gmail.com>:

I have attached a small test program which displays the photometric

value of an attached TIFF file

from TIFFRGBAImage: value is 2
from TIFF tag, value is 32845
from TIFFPrintDirectory() (which uses TIFF flag ?) it is also 32845

Is it normal or is it a bug?

I think it is normal. Your file is LogLuv but the RGBA API converts it to RGB for you. The man page of TIFFRGBAImageBegin mentions that.

which value should I choose in case there is no bug?


It depends what you need the value for. To interpret the data you get from the RGBA API, 2 (RGB) should be the correct value.
