2010.06.17 15:39 "[Tiff] libtiff 4 API/ABI stability?", by Adam Goode

2010.06.18 00:13 "Re: [Tiff] libtiff 4 API/ABI stability?", by Adam Goode

On 06/17/2010 06:06 PM, Edward Lam wrote:

Sorry, I think that I'm wrong on this. It does look like tif_win32.c is the default. On the note of tif_unix.c for Windows, I think we only need to patch it _lseeki64 to work for large files?

It is the default if you use Makefile.vc. If you use the standard configure and make (like with MinGW), then tif_unix.c is used. And yes, it looks like _lseeki64 is all that is needed here. Though in that case, you don't get mmap on Windows.

I could put together a patch to the autotools stuff to pick tif_win32.c on Windows. Then we just need to fix bug 1941.
