1994.07.10 11:46 "tiff separated problem", by Dwight Kelly

I need to write a separated CMYK 1-bit file using the libtiff routines. There is not a problem when I write one plane at a time, however, when I try to write one scanline for each color I get a core dump in DumpEncode. Below is sample code that demonstrates the problem.

#include <tiffio.h>

        TIFF *bitsFile;
        int clr, hpix;
        unsigned char *buf[4];

        bitsFile = TIFFOpen("output.001", "w");
        TIFFSetField(bitsFile, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, 2550);
        TIFFSetField(bitsFile, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, 3300);
        TIFFSetField(bitsFile, TIFFTAG_INKSET, INKSET_CMYK);
        TIFFSetField(bitsFile, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 4);
        TIFFSetField(bitsFile, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 1);
        for (clr = 0; clr < 4; clr++) {
                buf[clr] = (unsigned char *) malloc(TIFFScanlineSize(bitsFile));
        for (hpix = 0; hpix < 3300; hpix++) {
                for (clr = 0; clr < 4 ; clr++) {
                        TIFFWriteScanline(bitsFile, buf[clr], hpix, clr);
        return 0;

Dwight Kelly
Essential Technical Services, Inc.
3375 Summit Trail Cumming, GA 30131
(404) 889-2848 (404) 889-2624 fax
Internet: dkelly@etsinc.com