1994.07.20 18:53 "printing tiff", by Derek Jean-Baptiste

1994.07.20 18:53 "printing tiff", by Derek Jean-Baptiste

Fellow TIFFers,

are there any solutions (public domain or commercial) to print TIFF files other than converting the TIFF to postscript and printing to a postscript printer. What I am really after is a quick way to print TIFF files (like a TIFF printer).



Derek Jean - Baptiste
US Postal Mail----------|E-Mail ------------------------|Phone -------------
Salomon Brothers        |Zip     :derekj                |Work:(212) 783-1572
7 World Trade Center    |Salomon :derekj@zip            |FAX :(212) 783-4838
New York, NY. 10048     |Internet:djeanbaptiste@sbi.com |Beep:(212) 646-7200