2012.04.05 20:05 "[Tiff] LZW Support configuration issue", by Christopher Cameron

2012.04.05 20:05 "[Tiff] LZW Support configuration issue", by Christopher Cameron


I am currently re-configuring libtiff 4.0.0 to support LZW.

As far as I understand, all I had to do was re-run configure without the "--disable-lzw" option, rebuild, and then rebuild my code which makes use of libtiff. All seems well in the code - LZW_SUPPORT is defined, and the code in tif_lzw.c is not inactive anymore (in the editor, I mean).

But when I run my code, I get the following error:

\X$x5 compression support is not configured

Quite strange how what probably should read "LZW" reads "\X$x5" and in fact this has also been "\X x5" and various other unsavory looking characters (hah).

I noticed at least one other message on the mailing list with this problem, but it was not resolved, only unreproduceable.

When everyone has finished having fun eating all their chocolates this weekend, could someone please help me? :)

Thanks and Happy Easter!

Chris Cameron
Software Developer - Multimedia/Camera