2016.07.03 16:32 "[Tiff] No memcpy() in TIFFRead/WriteEncodedStrip/Tile in uncompressed case", by Even Rouault

2016.07.03 16:32 "[Tiff] No memcpy() in TIFFRead/WriteEncodedStrip/Tile in uncompressed case", by Even Rouault


When profiling I/O in the uncompressed case, I noticed that TIFFRead/WriteEncodedStrip/Tile used memcpy() to copy the data between the user provided buffer and the tif_rawdata intermediate buffer. I've committed an improvement to avoid that: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/34533 It works fine in my testing, but I'm not sure if I may have forgotten corner cases in the use of the API that would need additional checks and you may be aware of.


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