2010.02.11 21:56 "[Tiff] TIFF and IJG JPEG 8", by Bob Friesenhahn

2010.02.22 21:34 "Re: [Tiff] Libtiff 4.0.0beta5 Released", by Edward Lam

I don't see a real difference between release candidates or betas. Betas are all release candidates.

Release candidates tend to make more sense with commercial software. In absence of that, I'll go with it as "We will not fix anything in a release candidate unless it is a crash that will impact most people". I guess that presumes that you also thought of a beta as "we will still add patches that people believe should be added before release". :)

With that definition, I'd agree with Lee that we should just move to a "release candidate". We've gone through 5 betas already and it's unlikely that someone new will come along and test a beta6 if they haven't already tested the betas. The added bonus of changing the name to "release candidate" is that it gives yet another signal that "Ok, we're *actually* going to release this time." :)

