2001.01.23 17:41 "how to 'change' Rows/Strip ?", by Bård Kregnes

2001.01.23 18:00 "Re: how to 'change' Rows/Strip ?", by Helge Blischke

I've made an VB-application(sic.) using the wang' OCX's who comes with Windows NT. This app. is used for rotating and re-saving tiffs. But it 'messess' up Rows/Strip:

Here's tiffinfo from a scanned image:

bash$ /usr/local/bin/tiffinfo 144729.tif

TIFF Directory at offset 0x8
    Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
    Image Width: 1584 Image Length: 1169
    Resolution: 200, 200 pixels/inch
    Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4
    Photometric Interpretation: min-is-white
    Artist: "010118L000002-1"
    Rows/Strip: 1169
    Planar Configuration: single image plane

And here's tiffinfo after the VB-appl:

TIFF Directory at offset 0x8
    Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
    Image Width: 1584 Image Length: 1169
    Resolution: 200, 200 pixels/inch
    Bits/Sample: 1
    Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4
    Photometric Interpretation: min-is-white
    FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
    Artist: "010118L000876-1"
    Software: "Oi/GFS, writer v00.06.00P, (c) Wang Labs, Inc. 1990, 1991"
    Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
    Samples/Pixel: 1
    Rows/Strip: 160
    Planar Configuration: single image plane
    Group 4 Options: (0 = 0x0)

I want to make look like 'before' using libtiff. Why: We gotta to deliver the tiff's to an auld and _very_ picky tiffviewer.

Well, the source images consist of a single strip which holds all of the image data, whereas the desination image is made up of more than one strip. This is quite legal, but if you want them to "look like before", simply do a tiffcp -r1169 after.tif final.tif where the "1169" should be replaces by the actual image length, and - in this example - "after.tif" denotes what comes out of your Wang app, and "final.tif" denotes the output of tiffcp.

Hope that helps

