2008.12.17 20:54 "[Tiff] Deleting tags from a directory", by Frank Warmerdam

2008.12.21 16:44 "Re: [Tiff] 3.9.0 release, Was: tiffvers.h - TIFFLIB_RELEASE macro addition", by Jay Berkenbilt

Please see


This is my patch to remove the unwanted ABI changes from 3.9.0. I just went through all the CVS logs and found the changes committed by Joris around the time he made the fix. I then backported the changes to branch-3-9 in CVS. The changes were small, and I was able to hand-apply the patch without a problem. I rebuilt and then tested several applications built with 3.8.2 and run with the shared libraries from 3.9.0. Everything looks good. If this patch is accepted, I withdraw my objections against the release of 3.9.0 and would add my voice to those encouraging a speedy release.

I will review and apply the patch in bug 1980. Were the changes in http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1979 also needed to preserve ABI compatability with pre 3.9 releases? I had understood that to be the only outstanding issue, but I gather from 1980 that the SubsamplingHor and SubsamplingVer fields were also an issue.


Yes, the two patches together resolve the ABI issues I was aware of, and in tests based on the 3.9 branch with both patches applied, I see no other ABI issues or problems with any of my tests. Thanks!

Jay Berkenbilt <ejb@ql.org>