2008.01.10 19:03 "[Tiff] LibTiff..Reading partial strips", by Nikhil Shirahatti

2008.01.10 19:03 "[Tiff] LibTiff..Reading partial strips", by Nikhil Shirahatti

Hello All,

This is the problem I' trying to solve:

to read a strip but not a whole strip but only part of it...reason: some of the strips we deal with are huge(long) and hence by having the ability to break them down and process them allows me to parallel process. I hope to break them down to a mxn (no. rows x length) and store them as my data structure (called tiles - different from the tiff tiles).

What I have tried:

I have tried hacking the TIFFReadRGBAStrip() ..which involved changing the gtStripContig()

so I have a gtStripContigWithOffsets(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h, uint32 wOffset /*= 0*/, uint32 hOffset /*= 0*/) but before I paste code and ask for scrutiny....

was wondering if someone else out there has tried it?

Also, if someone has successfully streamed a tiff file and could point me in the right direction that would be helpful.

I am using c#. and the libtiff has a managed wrapper.


Nikhil V Shirahatti