2007.02.05 19:34 "[Tiff] The fake input in fax2tiff", by John Whitington

2007.02.05 19:34 "[Tiff] The fake input in fax2tiff", by John Whitington

Dear all,

I'm modifying the fax2tiff source to decode CCITT streams from PDF files into
raw data. Thus, I don't need to produce an output TIFF. It works, but now I'm
paring it down by removing the output code.

The fake input fax2tiff produces to make the fax input work is initialised in
the original source like this:

faxTIFF = TIFFClientOpen("(FakeInput)", "w",

/* TIFFClientOpen() fails if we don't set existing value here */ TIFFClientdata(out), TIFFGetReadProc(out), TIFFGetWriteProc(out), TIFFGetSeekProc(out), TIFFGetCloseProc(out), TIFFGetSizeProc(out), TIFFGetMapFileProc(out), TIFFGetUnmapFileProc(out));

(Where 'out' is the TIFF pointer being used for output).

How can I synthesize the values (TIFFClientdata etc.) without having to open an
actual output TIFF?

With Thanks,

John Whitington