2005.06.09 12:49 "[Tiff] TIFF save", by Matthias Lach

2005.06.10 12:33 "WG: [Tiff] TIFF save", by Matthias Lach

Assuming you can get save or put your image data in a bitmap, this code can be helpful (it was for me). I use G4 compression.


why u set a fix value here?

mAy i read this from the original file an put it in a variable and use it in the saveprocedure?


imgtif:=TIFFOpen('test.tif', 'w') ;
 TIFFSetField(imgtif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, largeur);
  TIFFSetField(imgtif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, hauteur);
  TIFFSetField(imgtif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, hauteur);

I used this and i get a file in faxG4(or G3 as below) format - i can change to ccittfaxg3 this works fine.

But my original image is a fax, white background, black text and has this values from "asTifTagViewer":

ImageWidth (1 Long): 1728
ImageLength (1 Long): 2347
BitsPerSample (1 Short): 1
Compression (1 Short): Group 3 Fax (aka CCITT FAX3)
Photometric (1 Short): MinIsWhite
FillOrder (1 Short): Lsb2Msb
StripOffsets (1 Long): 8
SamplesPerPixel (1 Short): 1
RowsPerStrip (1 Short): 2347
StripByteCounts (1 Long): 15321
XResolution (1 Rational): 204
YResolution (1 Rational): 196
Group3Options (1 Long): 0
ResolutionUnit (1 Short): Inch

the outputfile from above has:

ImageWidth (1 Short): 1728
ImageLength (1 Short): 2251
BitsPerSample (1 Short): 1
Compression (1 Short): Group 3 Fax (aka CCITT FAX3)
Photometric (1 Short): MinIsWhite
FillOrder (1 Short): Msb2Lsb
StripOffsets (1 Long): 8
SamplesPerPixel (1 Short): 1
RowsPerStrip (1 Short): 2251
StripByteCounts (1 Long): 24341
XResolution (1 Rational): 200
YResolution (1 Rational): 200
PlanarConfig (1 Short): Contig
ResolutionUnit (1 Short): Inch
Software (14 ASCII): LibTiffDelphi
Artist (26 ASCII): none

if i open the file from the output above, AcDsee says "file corrupt" and it looks the other way round - background is black and text is white.

and it looks jolted a bit -.

sampels wrong output: http://de.geocities.com/der_maxem/test.tif (24604 byte) (less lines as the original because i cut 96 Lines off with my projecttool)

original file: http://de.geocities.com/der_maxem/61_zeilen.tif (15520 byte) (more lines, because it is the original file - uncut)

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Matthias Lach

Editor's note: This mail was not originally archived, and has been reconstructed from quotes.