2021.01.01 19:31 "[Tiff] Enabling and requiring C99 language support", by Roger Leigh

2021.01.03 07:17 "Re: [Tiff] Enabling and requiring C99 language support", by Vincent Torri

The other relevant thing to mention here is “vcpkg”. Until a few years back, upgrading Visual Studio was a pain, because it meant rebuilding all of your dependencies from scratch, by hand, and it was painful.

just for your information, i have made a package installer (not manager) that compiles from source a set of libraries, given files that mention name, version, url and dependencies. If you are interested, you look at https://github.com/vtorri/ewpi. It has been created for the EFL, but it can be easily adapted to any library. You can also cross-compile it on Linux with mingw-w64 toolchain

happy new year


Vincent Torri