2021.09.28 13:49 "[Tiff] Proposal to create a OGC BigTIFF standard", by Even Rouault

2021.09.28 14:20 "Re: [Tiff] Proposal to create a OGC BigTIFF standard", by Even Rouault


If I understand correctly only the specification is "copied", not the (reference) implementation, or does OGC also keeps such reference code?

The scope of this work is indeed only to develop & maintain the specification. OGC does not develop reference implementations by themselves, but can link to them. Most standards come with a compliance testing suite (https://cite.opengeospatial.org/teamengine/), but I don't know if that's something that will be developed for BigTIFF.

Will the OGC put a process in place for BigTiff tags?

What do you call exactly as BigTIFF tags?

The OGC Naming Authority (https://github.com/opengeospatial/NamingAuthority) maintains a online registry of various stuff. Regarding GeoTIFF, it for example lists the GeoTIFF tags: https://github.com/opengeospatial/NamingAuthority/blob/master/specification-elements/defs/19-008r4.ttl


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