2009.01.13 16:38 "[Tiff] tiff2ps option -c", by Joerg Schlueter

2009.01.13 16:38 "[Tiff] tiff2ps option -c", by Joerg Schlueter


I'm using tiff2ps as described at http://www.firstpr.com.au/sys-admin/TIFF-to-PDF and wanted to center small images:

tiff2ps -c -w5.51 -h7.76 *.tif | ps2pdf13 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 - > documents.pdf

seems that the -c option has no effect, the images are located at the bottom of the page, aligned left. I have Mepis7 with preinstalled libtiff (don't know which version this would be), but also tested using v4.00 beta2, same result

is there another way to center the images both horizontal and vertical?

thanks in advance, kind regards
