2004.03.22 10:09 "[Tiff] Problem reading TIFF-Deflation mode !!!", by David Excoffier

2004.03.22 10:09 "[Tiff] Problem reading TIFF-Deflation mode !!!", by David Excoffier


I have a problem, hope someone could help me! I have to convert a Tiff image using deflation mode (zip), in "uncompressed" (-c none)

The problem is that libTiff does not want to read my TIFF file! When I am using tiffcp, it tells me "Deflate compression support is not configued"!

I have the correct zlib in the correct path, I have defined the flag "ZIP=yes", defined the 2 variables DIRS_LIBINC, and DIR_GZLIB, even defined ZIP_SUPPORT in tiffconf.h, I got no error or warning during compilation, but nothing seems to work!

Does Tifflib is able to convert a TIFF file defined in deflation mode (zip),? If not, do you know how can I do to do such a conversion? ( Maybe a freeware? )

I am using a SPARC/Solaris 8 - compiled in 64 bits...

Thanks for your help!