2009.04.28 18:15 "[Tiff] Libtiff and OpenCV", by Andreas H.

2009.04.29 16:07 "Re: [Tiff] Libtiff and OpenCV", by Bob Friesenhahn

Am 28.04.09, 20:15 +0200 schrieb Andreas H.:

is an 8-Bit grayscale tif.

andreas@host:$ identify real_604.tif real_604.tif TIFF 1392x1024 1392x1024+0+0 PseudoClass 256c 8-bit 120.99kb

PseudoClass 256c seems <-> grayscale tif You should not miss to set the photometric interpretation TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC with TIFFSetField to PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK.

I seem to have missed the original email. ImageMagick's identify is not a very useful tool to evaluate TIFF subformats since ImageMagick automatically promotes single channel images to colormapped (PseudoClass) with a grayscale colormap ramp. This means that MINISWHITE and MINISBLACK images will be called PseudoClass.

Use libtiff's 'tiffinfo' to obtain more accurate information.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/