2004.02.02 23:28 "[Tiff] unknown tags, tiffcp makes invalid copies", by Mark McConnell

2004.02.05 16:43 "Re: [Tiff] unknown tags, tiffcp makes invalid copies", by Mark McConnell

Thank you for your speedy help. I retrieved this, and compiled it, but I had problems that you may want to know about. My first test dumped core (and produced a corrupt copy).

Well, please, try again now. I have fixed a small problem in tiffcp.

That appears to have fixed it! Thanks again.

$ tiffcp 03600697.001 newtest.tif
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, 03600697.001: unknown field with tag 33000 (0x80e8) encountered.
Bus error (core dumped)

Are you working on Sparc system?

No. I use tiffcp on three FreeBSD servers. These problems have only appeared, as far as I've noticed, since sometime in December - perhaps with the release of 3.6.1 (but I'm uncertain about that).


Mark McConnell