1995.01.23 16:18 "Compiling LIBTIFF for MSDOS...", by Raymond Wilson

1995.01.24 18:38 "Re: Prior post RE: Compiling LIBTIFF in MSDOS...", by Sam Leffler

Err... Oops... Excuse me while I remove foot from mouth.

BCC v4.02 DOES define short as a TWO byte signed integer, not a ONE byte signed integer. I assumed when the help said 'Use the short type modifier when you want a variable smaller than an int', it meant an 8-bit type since I am compiling a 16 bit application (where int = 16 bits). This is in fact only true when compiling a 32 bit application (where int = 32 bits).

I have decided not to make an effort to support 16-bit APIs such as Win16 or DOS. If there are simple changes to the software that will make doing this easier then I've done it and/or am willing to do it. Soren Pingel Dalsgaard <pingel@daimi.aau.dk> has a version of my tiff distribution that is intended for use under Windows; check the mailing list archives for prior postings that say how and where to obtain his distribution.
