2017.08.26 13:56 "[Tiff] Determining use of "w" or "w8" in TIFFOpen", by Paul Hemmer

2017.08.26 13:56 "[Tiff] Determining use of "w" or "w8" in TIFFOpen", by Paul Hemmer


If I have a buffer of 16bit grayscale data, and a known width and height, I could calculate the size by w*h*2

If that size is greater than 4GB, I should specify "w8" and if less than, I should specify "w" when calling TIFFOpen() in order to get the BigTIFF format when needed.

But what if the use of COMPRESSION_LZW would result in a file that is much smaller than 4GB? I can't know that ahead of time (can I?) Should I still use w8 if the uncompressed dimensions require more than 4GB?

I'm finding that I can't simply specify "w8" for all, as those that are less than 4GB end up failing to open.

What is the right way to approach this?

